RHEP Foster Youth

Know Your Rights

  • Right to age-appropriate, medically accurate information about sexual and reproductive health in your placement and from your case workers 
  • Right to comprehensive, medically accurate sexual health education in middle school and high school that covers healthy relationships, sexual orientation, gender identity, safety and many other topics described in the California Healthy Youth Act 
  • Right to be seen privately in the exam room when you seek sexual health care, unless you specifically ask that someone accompany you 
  • Right to confidentiality in your sexual and reproductive health information. Unless you specifically give the doctor written permission to share information, they cannot share with your caregiver or social worker.
  • Right to access sexual and reproductive health care on your own consent, including birth control, abortion, prenatal care, postnatal care at any age, and when you are 12 or older, STI and HIV prevention, testing, and treatment. 
  • Right to decide which services you want, and don’t want, related to sexual and reproductive health.
  • Right to choose your preferred provider of sexual and reproductive health care, as long as the provider accepts MediCal or other approved insurance 
  • Right to gender affirming health care 
  • Right to transportation to sexual health appointments (by caregiver, group home or social worker) in a timely manner 
  • Right to obtain, possess, and use the contraception of your choice, including condoms, without interference by caregiver, group home or social worker. 
  • Right to maintain birth control, including condoms, in your private storage space 
  • Right to express your sexual orientation and gender identity and to have your sexual orientation and gender identity and expression kept private 
  • Right to live in a safe, comfortable and healthy home where you are treated with respect, regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or pregnancy or parenting status. 
  • Right to participate in social activities, including dating, as age and developmentally appropriate. 

If you believe any of your above rights are not being honored, you have options. You can:

  • Learn your sexual and reproductive health care and related rights, click for EnglishSpanish, Tagalog, HmongVietnamese
  • KnowB4UGo information on sexual and reproductive health rights here.
  • Legal guide for youth who are expecting or parenting in foster care here.
  • California foster youth bill of rights here (Welfare and Institutions Code 16001.9)
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