RHEP Foster Youth

Self-Taught: The podcast

Former Foster Youth on Sex, Health, and Life

Welcome to Self-Taught, a podcast from foster youth, for foster youth, with unfiltered conversations about sex, health and life. These are the conversations about puberty, relationships, sexual health, identity and much more that we wish were part of our upbringing. 

When you are in foster care, there aren’t always people to answer the big questions or to make it easy to open up about sensitive stuff. That’s why we’re bringing these conversations to you. We hope these episodes spark questions and provide resources for you, to find answers, feel empowered, and have community. 

Self-Taught is hosted by the youth advisory board of the Reproductive Health Equity Project at the National Center for Youth Law and supported through a grant to the National Center for Youth Law from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

Please subscribe to our newsletter to get notified of future episodes.

Thank you to our Youth Advisory Board for the inspiration and content; John Freret for music; Mezclao Studio, cover art; Melissa Russom, podcast producing; and the National Center for Youth Law for sponsorship!

Season 2

Season 1

S1E3: Finding Myself

Finding Myself. In this episode, Daniel discusse what motivates him to be an advocate for the gay community now, and bringing “me and all of my selves.”

Watch here »
S1E4: Consent

Consent. In this episode, Tamar and Kat dig into consent as an important component of any healthy relationship – not just the sexual ones.

Watch here »
S1E6: Reparenting

Reparenting. In this Episode, Phillisha and Tamar talk about how they each actively sought to reparent themselves – filling in gaps from their own development – in order to be the best parent for their child.

Watch here »

Season 2

Season 1

S1E3: Finding Myself

Finding Myself. In this episode, Daniel discusse what motivates him to be an advocate for the gay community now, and bringing “me and all of my selves.”

Watch here »
S1E4: Consent

Consent. In this episode, Tamar and Kat dig into consent as an important component of any healthy relationship – not just the sexual ones.

Watch here »
S1E6: Reparenting

Reparenting. In this Episode, Phillisha and Tamar talk about how they each actively sought to reparent themselves – filling in gaps from their own development – in order to be the best parent for their child.

Watch here »

Self-Taught is fully supported by a grant to the National Center for Youth Law from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. We are very grateful for their support. Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Hilton Foundation.

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