RHEP Foster Youth

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Episode 2: Intersections of Identity in Foster Care

Featuring Emilio

What’s it like as a non-binary teen to be in a group home structured for boys and girls? Emilio talks about their intersectional identity, including being non-binary and neuro-divergent. Hear how they found allies in the court system as well as advice for youth who don’t fit into the structures around them.

Content warning: This episode touches on topics that may be upsetting or triggering for some listeners, including experiences of homophobia/transphobia, abuse, childhood trauma and ableism. This warning is to empower listeners with the knowledge you need to make healthy decisions about how and if you should consume this podcast content. Don’t hesitate to use the resources listed in the show notes if you need support.

Kat (she/her) is a former foster youth and RHEP Youth Advisory Board member.

Emilio (they/their) is a former foster youth and RHEP Youth Advisory Board member.

Self-Taught is produced in California. If laws, policies and programs are discussed in an episode, these may be specific to California. Listeners from other locations should check out their own state’s or country’s laws and programs – and if you need help finding your state’s laws, reach out to us at fosterreprohealth@youthlaw.org.

Episode Resources

  • View the CASA programs in California here.
  • Click here to view information on your rights related to gender affirming care in foster care, gender identity, and sexual orientation in foster placement.
  • Learn more about the Trevor Project services and one on one support for LGBTQIA+ identifying youth.

More episodes below

Self-Taught is supported through a grant to the National Center for Youth Law from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. We are very grateful for their support. Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Hilton Foundation.

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