RHEP Foster Youth

Fostering Parenthood

“Remember, you were a teenager once” How to support pregnant and parenting youth

Featuring Maria

In this episode we will explore the experiences of youth in care who faced the challenges of homelessness and teen pregnancy, and discover new ways of support.

Maria will join us to share her story of both struggles and victories. Her journey will shed light on what it truly means to provide care for a pregnant youth in need. As we listen to Maria, we’ll gain insights into what she needed from caregivers and how they can offer the best support possible.

Join us for an episode that celebrates the power of love and compassion in caregiving. Together, let’s learn how to create a safe and nurturing environment for those who need it most.

Dorothy Daniels Hi, I’m Dorothy Daniels, I’m a pediatric nurse, a sexual health educator, a mom of 12, and a foster parent just like you. When I became a foster parent, I realized that caregivers oftentimes got overlooked with support, resources, and help during this journey because most things focused on the kids. Fostering Parenthood is that support for caregivers.

Maria is a Mom and former homeless foster youth.

Fostering Parenthood is a podcast by caregivers for caregivers promoting the healthy sexual development of foster youth, brought to you by the National Center for Youth Law and the Reproductive Health Equity Project. The laws and policies discussed in our show are specific to LA County and California. However, any out-of-state or international listeners should check the regulations specific to their state or country.

Episode Resources ​

  • Head Start- has a program for pregnant women and early childhood education

More episodes below

Fostering Parenthood is fully supported by grant number 1 TP2AH000066-01-00 from the HHS Office of Population Affairs. Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Office of Population Affairs.

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